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Rocking it

You never know what's inside

December 10, 2017

Last Friday I was invited to go fossicking with some of the other lapidary club members. After a few last minute changes of people and plans, Jim, Barb, Merv and I headed off on a loop of over 400km to look for petrified wood on a 36C day. What were we thinking?? Our first stop was just outside Alpha at a small roadside cutout where roadbase had been quarried. I only found small pieces there while being watched by curious cattle who were sensible enough to stay in the shade. One was a small piece with a pale pinkish colour with fine grain that made me think of salmon.

Our second stop was beside a creek near Clermont where there were very large pieces scattered around. I collected a bucket of material and brought it all home to take a closer look at. Here are a small number of the pieces as collected.

Petrified wood as found on the ground

The thing with petrified wood is that you don't know what you'll find until you cut them open. So I took them to club on Saturday morning and got to work. Some were disappointingly bland. Some proved interesting when I gave them a quick polish. And then there was the piece I mentioned above. When it was cut the inside was spectacular - greens and reds with a wood texture running through it. It's at the bottom of both the before shot above and after shot (all the same bits of wood) below.

Petrified wood after being cut open

I was very happy! And I have lots more wood to cut - enough for months I think. Well, it'll make a change from thunder eggs. We collected over a hundred of those years ago and I've been slowly working through them over the past couple of months. I need a change!

I'm well and truly hooked on rocks!