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False start

Hello Brisbane, goodbye

April 29, 2019

So we drove down to Brisbane (we take it easy and spread it over 2 days with a stop in Gladstone, which has a place with amazing fish and chips!) and moved ourselves into a different unit to last time, but in the same complex. We'd packed for a 4 month stay and so the car was quite full.

My tests started on the Monday with a kidney function test, then a bone marrow biopsy on the Tuesday and a visit to the dentist. We also started having meetings with all the specialists and auxilliary departments. I had a busy Thursday and Tuesday (Easter was in between) of those lined up. But on Wednesday afternoon I was called to an unscheduled meeting with my transplant doctor and he had bad news. My kidneys were functioning too poorly to be able to process the drugs I'd be getting for the transplant and they refused to go ahead as my chances of survival were slim.

So we had to pack everything back up again on Thursday and started home on Good Friday.

Me at home once more
Me at home once more

I'm now having fortnightly tests and reviews with whichever of the Brisbane haems is visiting Rocky that week. As soon as my kidneys get better though, it'll all be back on again.

The locals are always happy to have Anthony back though. He's got a sideline in fixing up the computers for local businesses and people: upgrades, virus elimination, cleaning out the ubiquitous dust from computer insides etc, and helping with the endless problems people have with Telstra and the NBN.

Dusty computer innards
One of Anthony's clients brought this to him to fix