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Road Trip Part 1

5500km more on the odometer

March 26, 2018

We headed off on Feb 27 for our first holiday from Rubyvale. Two days of driving got us to Glen Innes to visit Anthony's family and friends. We stayed with the Muldoons and had many lively discussions with Graeme about how stupid the world is getting. Somehow we all had plenty of examples to contribute.


After 3 days there we headed to Tamworth to stay with Michelle and Toby. The rest of my family decided we should all meet up for a picnic lunch at Ebor so we had another 380km of travel (return) to do that the next day. If we'd known in advance, we could have visited friends in Armidale for longer, staying the night, then meeting everyone at Ebor. Poor Anthony (who did almost all of the driving).


Nevertheless it was wonderful to see all my family again and we had a lovely time. Staying in Tamworth was fun and we took advantage of being in a place with actual shops to buy some clothes and shoes. We hadn't met Alex before either - Michelle was pregnant with him when I last visited her - and he's currently quite a cutie, not quite at the Terrible Two stage.


After only 3 days in Tamworth we next headed to Canberra. We only had 2 full days there which wasn't nearly enough to properly catch up with friends. We managed a lunch with Daryel, afternoon tea with Andrew and Sue, and a lunch with CMR. It was all too rushed, and started taking its toll as we felt quite unwell for a couple of days. As a result I didn't get to Enlighten as I'd planned, for instance.

Flying the drone

Then it was off to Guthega, which was the event which determined the dates we were travelling. Marcus and Danielle invited us along for the first trip there since they went to Darwin on posting and it was interesting to see how the landscape had - and hadn't - changed in those 3 years. Not to mention how grown all the kids were! We had a relaxing, fun long weekend there, my highlight being to fly Ralph's drone briefly.